Articles 緑師プロジェクト レポート & スペシャル対談
We are the craftsmen who maintain the all urban greens in Japan: including public spaces, the building landscapes, the historic temple grounds, and the residential gardens.
This really important profession and ability to make a stability of city life has a room for improvement constantly because the city is always changing. Also, the social value of urban green is shifting to cultural one.
We should be redesigned.
The “Midori-shi” project is a profession development project in which we, the staff of the Ichikawa Zoen Tokyo , who are craftsmen in urban greenery management, explore the vision of a landscaper that fits the times through our daily work.
We call this new style of landscaper “Midori-shi”, who share with society the craftsmanship and its spirits, Japanese culture based on the nature, the beauty of the four seasons, and the fascination of biology while engaging in greenery maintenance.
Let’s consider and act for creating the new job style in order to live in a green city.

Re Design職能の再構築
For the present and future urban landscape, we try to review and redesign the style of Japan’s landscaping industry. Without being obsessed with stereotype, we develop new abilities, involve new fields, and establish a new style of the profession. By always facing the essence of our profession and building strong relationships with modern society in all situations, we will be able to grow as a reliable partner in urban development.

Biocultural Diversity生物文化の多様性
Our special abilities to maintain greens are based on our ethnic culture of living with nature. You can realize it clearly by looking globally. Learning from each other’s culture is very important for the coming age. We would like to recover the identities of local workmen who maintain the greens through this concept. This word and the concept can bring a sustainability to the city life around the world, we believe.

New Craftsmenこれからの職人
Japanese manufacturing industry is still supported by the hands of many craftsmen. While many industries are replaced machines and AI, the important part is still the sense and decisions based on the experience of craftsmen, and the aesthetics that can only be done by hands are making the quality of manufacturing. It is indispensable to have human sense and manual work, because even craftsmen who treat a greenery landscape like us are involved in creating a space where everyone feels comfortable with living things. However, unfortunately, there is no denying the recent lack of successors. Now is the time to think about how craftsman should be in the future in line with the trends of modern society.
“Midori-shi” is a vision of new craftsmen who responsible for managing and enlightening urban green for our well-being and create a sustainable urban life in the future.
We aim to establish the new craftsman specializing in the urban green, named “Midori-shi”. It’s not a traditional Japanese gardener “Niwa-shi”, or a “Groundskeeping contractor”. Midori-shi is a proud craftsman who applies the skills and intelligences of the Niwa-shi to the urban green landscapes and improve its values of spatial functions. “Niwa” means a garden, “Midori” means the all greenery landscapes. Midori-shi’s work fields are in your city life every day.

Our mission is to contribute to create a sustainable city
by activating the craftsman's abilities which are based on the Japanese garden culture to the world:
- Traditional skills of the landscape gardening,
- Trained intelligence about the law of nature,
- Spirit of pursuing a humanity living with earth.
- 名称
- 株式会社市川造園 東京作業所
- name
- Ichikawa Zoen Co., Ltd Tokyo branch
- 所在地
- 181-0013 東京都三鷹市下連雀 9-2-20-106
- address
- 9-2-20-106, Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo Japan, zip 181-0013
- 連絡先
- Tel / Fax : 0422-26-8653
Mail : tokyo@ichikawa-z.co.jp
- contact
- Tel / Fax +81.422.26.8653
Email : tokyo@ichikawa-z.co.jp
- 事業概要
- 緑地や庭園の整備、維持管理。
- Business Contents
- Building and maintaining of urban greenery and gardens.
Enlightenment activities for urban greenery.
- 有資格者数(令和6年現在)
- 1級造園施工管理技士 2名
2級造園施工管理技士 1名
1級造園技能士 2名
2級造園技能士 4名
監理技術者 1名
樹木医 2名
登録ランドスケープアーキテクト(RLA) 1名
登録ランドスケープアーキテクト(RLA)補 1名
自然再生士 1名
植栽基盤診断士 1名
- 愛知本社 URL
- https://ichikawa-zoen.jp
- Head Office URL
- https://ichikawa-zoen.jp
Feel free to contact us!
We are available for English email.